Helicopter, Camera, Action!
Helicopter, Camera, Action!
Helicopter Filming and Photography
Elite Helicopters provides an ideal platform for all Helicopter filming and Helicopter photography.
Doors can be removed allowing plenty of room for filming or, for those not so keen to hang out of the side of the helicopter, a simple sliding window gives the photographer a good measure of room to capture their target.
The helicopter is stable enough to permit good aerial photography shots using handheld cameras but alternatively, cameras can be attached to the helicopter using a nose or side mount.
For filming and photographic sorties, we accept that our clients will be hoping for ideal weather conditions. It is, therefore, the Company’s policy that in the event of unsuitable weather conditions causing postponement to a sortie, no charge for the booking will be incurred.
Need to know more?
If you’re looking for a quote for your next aerial project then speak to our team.